L. A. Beeghly Library

L. A. Beeghly Library (p. 1)


L. A. Beeghly Library (p. 1)


[page 1]

[corresponds to front cover of Beeghly Library]

L. A. Beeghly Library (p. 2)


L. A. Beeghly Library (p. 2)


[page 2]

[corresponds to inside of front cover of Beeghly Library]


A dream which became a reality because of the gift of

Mr. L. A. Beeghly in recognition

of his Ohio Wesleyan children and grandchildren.
L. A. Beeghly Library (p. 3)


L. A. Beeghly Library (p. 3)


[page 3]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 3 of Beeghly Library]

L. A. Beeghly Library (p. 4)


L. A. Beeghly Library (p. 4)


[page 4]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 4 of Beeghly Library]


Adjacent to the main entrance and lobby, a spa-

cious lounge offers a dramatic view of the

library's terrace and the City of Delaware.


A study area on the third floor.
L. A. Beeghly Library (p. 5)


L. A. Beeghly Library (p. 5)


[page 5]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 5 of Beeghly Library]

The design of the L. A. Beeghly Library provides for access to knowl-

edge. Its four floors, representing an area of 105,000 square feet,

are spacious and open, but careful placement of bookshelves and

furniture creates small, well-delineated study areas on each floor.

Each study area contains the books needed by a specific academic

discipline in addition to adequate study carrells and lounge facili-

ties to accommodate students using that particular section of the

library. For example, one large study area located on the third floor

is designed to house the many books associated in the broadest

sense with the humanities. A student working in the general disci-

pline of the humanities can go to the open stacks in this area to

find the books he needs and then return to adjacent tables or

carrells to do his studying or research. Similar study areas are

spaced throughout the library.

In addition to being aesthetically pleasing, the openness of Beeghly

Library gives the building a flexibility which will keep it functional

for years to come. Column spacing in the library's stacks permits

them to be turned in any required direction. Thus, individual study

areas can be made larger or smaller as a changing academic pro-

gram or new library servicing techniques might dictate.

Air conditioned throughout, Beeghly Library houses more than a

third of a million volumes (books, periodicals, and pamphlets) as

well as microcards, microfilm, microprint, and other instructional

media. In addition, the library serves as a depository for Federal

government documents. The total cost of Beeghly Library, including

furnishings, was $2,110,668.
L. A. Beeghly Library (p. 6)


L. A. Beeghly Library (p. 6)


[page 6]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 6 of Beeghly Library]


The Late Hours Study Room, a self-contained area on the main floor which students

may use when other sections of the library are closed.
L. A. Beeghly Library (p. 7)


L. A. Beeghly Library (p. 7)


[page 7]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 7 of Beeghly Library]


Reminders of the University's his-

tory are evident throughout the

library. Notable among these is

the Bashford Room, located on the

main floor. The gift of a friend of

Ohio Wesleyan, the room is dedi-

cated to the memory of Bishop

James W. Bashford, Fourth Presi-

dent of Ohio Wesleyan (1889-

1904). A plaque in the room hon-

ors him as a "Friend of the Library

and Distinguished Leader of these

Master Teachers Whom He

Brought to the University: Trum-

bull Gillette Duvall (Philosophy);

Robert Irving Fulton (Speech and

Oratory); William Garfield Hormell

(Physics); Edward Loranus Rice

(Zoology); William Emory Smyser

(English); Richard Taylor Steven-

son (History); Rollin Hough Walker

(Bible-Religion), and Lewis Gard-

ner Westgate (Geology)."
L. A. Beeghly Library (p. 8)


L. A. Beeghly Library (p. 8)


[page 8]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 8 of Beeghly Library]

[image of outside of library]
L. A. Beeghly Library (p. 9)


L. A. Beeghly Library (p. 9)


[page 9]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 9 of Beeghly Library]

(*) following the name indicates donor is deceased


Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Agler Class of 1962 (Graduation Gift)

Judge Florence E. Allen (*) Donald P. Cloak

American Telephone and Telegraph Company Columbus and Southern Ohio Electric Company

Mr. and Mrs. William B. Anderson William P. Cowden

Mr. and Mrs. J. Kenneth Ballinger Mrs. Margaret S. Crane

Don D. Battelle Dr. and Mrs. Benjamin F. Crawford

Judge William R. Bayes (*) Mr. and Mrs. John D. Crummey

W. D. Bayley Trust Fund Mrs. Charles H. Dankworth

The Louis D. Beaumont Foundation Miss Elizabeth Doogan

C. M. Beeghly Charitable Foundation Eastman Kodak Company

Mrs. C. G. Bensinger (in memory of husband) Mr. and Mrs. John A. Eckler

William F. Bigelow (*) Mrs. Bartlett E. Emery (in memory of husband)

W. E. Bliss The Equitable Life Assurance Society

Richard F. Bloom Charles Farran

Julius H. Bolles Margaret Shirlock Foery, M.D.

Dean F. Brayton Ford Motor Company Fund

John J. Carney Arthur Gluck

Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Cawood The Greif Bros. Cooperage Corporation

Mr. and Mrs. D. Earl Child The Heer Foundation

Rollin B. Child Mr. and Mrs. George H. Hester
L. A. Beeghly Library (p. 10)


L. A. Beeghly Library (p. 10)


[page 10]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 10 of Beeghly Library]

[half of map of OWU campus; the next page contains the other half of the map]

Beeghly Library, located on University

Avenue, realized the initiation of a plan

to unite Ohio Wesleyan's Residential

Campus with its East Campus. The

building's covered entry, landscaped ter-

race, and paved plaza were designed as

part of a pedestrian mall to be construc-

ted on University Avenue when the two

campuses are eventually joined. The

brick, limestone, and granite used for

the library's exterior were chosen be-

cause of their visual relationship with

the exterior materials of existing build-

ings: red brick on the Residential Cam-

pus, and stone on the East Campus.

Ohio Wesleyan gratefully recognizes the

cooperation it received from the people

of Delaware in securing the site for

Beeghly Library, and extends special

thanks to Mr. Jack Florance and Mr.

Harry Humes for serving as co-chairmen

of a Delaware Citizens' Committee.
L. A. Beeghly Library (p. 11)


L. A. Beeghly Library (p. 11)


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[corresponds to unlabeled page 11 of Beeghly Library]

[map of OWU campus]
L. A. Beeghly Library (p. 12)


L. A. Beeghly Library (p. 12)


[page 12]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 12 of Beeghly Library]


The circulation desk, located in the main lobby.


A study area, wtih its accompanying stacks, on the second floor.


Study area in the Current Periodicals Section.


One of serveral seminar rooms spaced throughout the library.
L. A. Beeghly Library (p. 13)


L. A. Beeghly Library (p. 13)


[page 13]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 13 of Beeghly Library]


The Language Laboratory and its control center,

located in the AudiO Visual Section of the library.

The Language Laboratory, located in the Audio

Visual Section of the library.
L. A. Beeghly Library (p. 14)


L. A. Beeghly Library (p. 14)


[page 14]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 14 of Beeghly Library]


The first floor serves as the control center for

Beeghly Library. Here are found the circulation

desk, reserve stacks, card catalog, reference depart-

ment, and offices and work areas of the library staff.

Special features include a lounge area overlooking

the library's terrace and plaza; the Bashford Room;

and a Late Hours Study Room, which students may

use when other sections of the building are closed.

[map of library's first floor]
L. A. Beeghly Library (p. 15)


L. A. Beeghly Library (p. 15)


[page 15]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 15 of Beeghly Library]


A distinctive feature of the Special Collections

Room, located on the second floor, is the use of 30

Tiffany windows taken from Slocum Library. From

1900 to 1931, each senior class held a design com-

petition for a window to be produced by Tiffany's

in New York for installation above the main reading

room in Slocum. Transferred to Beeghly Library,

these windows serve as symbols of Ohio Wesleyan's

history and traditions. Included in the room are the

University's valuable Whitman and Browning Col-


[map of library's second floor]
L. A. Beeghly Library (p. 16)


L. A. Beeghly Library (p. 16)


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[corresponds to unlabeled page 16 of Beeghly Library]


The third floor is devoted completely to study and

stack areas. The library's architecturally distinctive

floating staircase, supported from a central column,

terminates on this floor.

[map of library's third floor]
L. A. Beeghly Library (p. 17)


L. A. Beeghly Library (p. 17)


[page 17]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 17 of Beeghly Library]


The ground floor holds current periodicals, stack

areas, and the University's Audio Visual Services.

The Audio Visual area includes language labora-

tories and listening facilities for students of foreign

languages, music appreciation, literature, drama,

and related fields.

[map of library's ground floor]
L. A. Beeghly Library (p. 18)


L. A. Beeghly Library (p. 18)


[page 18]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 18 of Beeghly Library]

(*) following the name indicates donor is deceased


Edwin Holt Hughes III Dr. and Mrs. John Sagan

Mr. and Mrs. Francis M. Hughes E. J. A. St. Louis (in memory of wife)

The Huntington National Bank Vincent F. Schubert

R. B. Hurst Dr. and Mrs. Elden T. Smith

Miss Marguerite Jackman Mr. and Mrs. Howard E. Strauch

Miss Susan Jenkins Robert T. Vickers

Mr. and Mrs. George R. Klein Dale J. Warner

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Klein Charles McC. Weis

Mr. and Mrs. Peter D. Kleist Mr. and Mrs. John Werkman

Elijah A. Levitt Burton L. West (*)

Marathon Oil Company Foundation White Belt Foundation

Andrew P. Martin Anonymous

Joseph A. Meek A generous contribution from Mr. Joseph H. Vogel,

The Board of Education of the Delaware, Ohio, in appreciation of his friendship

Methodist Church with the late Dr. Rollin H. Walker, Professor of

R. L. Milligan Religion, suggested to Mrs. Glee H. Murray, Special

Jean Allen Olney Assistant to the President, that many friends and

T. Gregory Parker alumni might wish to honor their own special "great

Claude S. Perry, M.D. teachers." As a result of her efforts, more than

The Procter & Gamble Company 200 friends and alumni contributed in excess of

Pure Oil Company Foundation $25,000 to the Library Fund in recognition of and

appreciation for the teaching of faculty members

whom they remember as outstanding. The names of

these donors are recorded in the library's permanent

guest book.
L. A. Beeghly Library (p. 19)


L. A. Beeghly Library (p. 19)


[page 19]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 19 of Beeghly Library]


C. Curtiss Inscho and Associates

Columbus, Ohio

General Contractor

G. W. Atkinson, Inc.

Columbus, Ohio

Electrical Contractor

Blum & Son Electric, Inc.

Columbus, Ohio

Plumbing, Heating and

Air Conditioning

Piping Contractors Company

Columbus, Ohio

In appreciation for Mr. L. A.

Beeghly's support of Ohio Wesley-

an's academic program, the Univer-

sity has named its new library in his

honor. A prominent Youngstown,

Ohio, industrialist and civic leader,

Mr. Beeghly gave Ohio Wesleyan a

challenge gift of one million dollars

in 1963 for the Library Building

L. A. Beeghly Library (p. 20)


L. A. Beeghly Library (p. 20)


[page 20]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 20 of Beeghly Library]


[sketch of Beeghly]

L. A. Beeghly Library (p. 21)


L. A. Beeghly Library (p. 21)


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[corresponds to unlabeled page 21 of Beeghly Library]




January 24, 1967

Dear Friend:

The academic year 1966-67 marks the 125th anniversary

of the founding of Ohio Wesleyan University. The year will be

historically significant in unique measure as the year in which

beautiful L. A. Beeghly was placed in service.

I venture to suggest that no other university of our

kind and size in America will have a more prideful addition to

its educational facilities this year. The library represents

a giant step into the future.

There is enclosed a dedicatory brochure which pictures

and describes the library. Such a publication can only hint at

educational dimensions inherent in a building of this kind, with

its wonderful facilities for independent study and its extensive

audio and visual equipment. I invite you -- indeed, I urge you

-- to visit the campus soon to see at first hand the beauty and

the promise of this handsome campus addition.

An outpouring of generosity by the principal donor,

together with a similar degree of devotion from many alumni and

friends of the University, have made this library possible. On

behalf of all of us, and especially on behalf of the students

today and the thousands to come, I wish to express heartfelt


May you visit us soon!


Elden T. Smith


Dublin Core


L. A. Beeghly Library


Brochures--Ohio Wesleyan University--Delaware--Ohio
Dedications--Libraries--Ohio Wesleyan University--Delaware Ohio
L. A. Beeghly Library--Ohio Wesleyan University--Delaware--Ohio


Dedicatory brochure of L. A. Beeghly Library at Ohio Wesleyan University


L. A. Beeghly Library Foundation; Ohio Wesleyan University




Elden T. Smith, President; Ohio Wesleyan University








Still Image




L. A. Beeghly Library Foundation; Ohio Wesleyan University, “L. A. Beeghly Library,” Delaware County Memory, accessed February 12, 2025, http://www.delawarecountymemory.org/items/show/185.

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